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    On the staff

    Ben-Gurion House

    in Tel Aviv!

    Activities for the whole family

    A visit to the house – Ben-Gurion’s riddles

    An independent visit to the Ben-Gurion House

    Activity for groups

    A visit to the house – Ben-Gurion’s riddles

    An independent visit to the Ben-Gurion House

    Book a group tour

    A tour specially adapted for groups, during the tour we will be exposed to the private character of David Ben-Gurion.

    Senior training

    The Ben-Gurion House in Tel Aviv invites senior officials from the Ministry of Defense and the IDF to dive together into the writings and leadership of David Ben-Gurion.
    The number of visitors is limited, pre-registration is required.

    Activity time

    Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday: 9: 00-16: 00

    Monday: 9: 00-19: 00

    Friday: 9: 00-13: 00

    Saturday: 11: 00-15: 00

    House of David Ben-Gurion Council

    ניצן אלון

    Nitzan Alon

    Chairman of the Ben-Gurion House Council
    Major General in the Israel Defence Forces, served in various positions- Head of the project for the fight against the Iranian threat, Head the Israeli Operations Directorate, Head of Central Command, Commander of the Judea and Samaria Division and Commander of Sayeret Matkal- the General Staff Reconnaissance Unit.

    חגי אבימור

    Hagai Avimor

    Chairman of the Board of Directors
    Served in the Israeli security system in senior operational and managerial positions for many years. Has a bachelor’s degree in political science from the Tel Aviv University, a master's degree in national security from the Haifa University and an additional master’s degree in business administration from the Ono Academic College. Serves as a partner in several business initiatives both in Israel and abroad, a board member of a technology company and active in several non-profit associations.

    Yoash ben Eliezer

    Member of the Board of Directors
    Great-grandson of Paula and David Ben-Gurion, Deputy CEO of Tempo. Has a bachelor's degree in economics and psychology and a master's degree in business administration, both from the Tel Aviv University.

    עו"ד יהושע ארגמן

    Adv. Yehoshua Argman

    The House legal advisor and member of the Board of Directors
    Graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and today owns a law firm in Tel Aviv. Served as a lieutenant colonel in the Military Intelligence Directorate. Born and raised in Jerusalem in the neighbourhood of Ben-Gurion's home and office in the city. Served as a lawyer for Ben-Gurion's daughter, Renana.

    מיכאל וולה

    Michael Vole

    Member of the Board of Directors – representative of the Mayor of Tel Aviv
    Deputy Director of Mishlema – The Education, Culture and Neighbourhood Renewal Company in Tel Aviv and Director of the Jaffa Community Division. Started his career in the Prime Minister's Office as an assistant to the Cabinet Secretary. Established the city's youth unit in the Tel-Aviv Jaffa Municipality.

    אדיר וישניה

    Adir Vishnia

    Member of the Board of Directors – representative of the Jewish Agency
    CEO of Eilam – Israeli Musicians' Performing Rights Society, member of the Israeli Forum for Leadership and one of its founders. Previously served as CEO of the Eshkolot organization - Israel's tour and awareness centres, as a member of the travel committee of the Ministry of Education. Served as a senior political advisor to the Minister of Welfare and Tourism Yitzhak Herzog and as deputy At the Tara consulting and project management company.

    איילת נחמיאס-ורבין

    Ayelet Nahmias-Verbin

    Member of the Ben-Gurion House Council
    The chairman of the Israel Export Institute, former member of the Knesset (Israeli Parliament) and vice president of the Manufacturers’ Association, began her political career alongside the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Held positions in both business and public sectors on a voluntary basis. With the end of her term in the Knesset, she returned to activity in the business sector as the owner of an industrial company and as a director at the same time, she was elected vice president of the Manufacturers’ Association, chairman of the emergency platform of the Jewish Agency JReady and the fund for victims of terrorism of the Jewish Agency.

    רותי אברמוביץ'

    Ruthie Abramovich

    Member of the Ben-Gurion House Council- representative of the State Treasury
    Has a bachelor's degree in political science from the Hebrew University, a master's degree in archival studies from the Hebrew University. Fields of practice: archiving, management, employee welfare, ecology, and artificial intelligence.

    עו"ד אופיר אלקלעי

    Adv. Ofir Alkalai

    Member of the Ben-Gurion House Council – representative of the General Organisation of Workers in Israel
    Has a bachelor's degree in law and a master's degree in public policy, served in the Special Air Forces Wing Shaldag – Unit 5101. After his military service, he joined the Histadrut – the General Organisation of Workers in Israel and held various positions in the organisation since, recently being appointed to the position of chairman of the of the state employees’ section.

    אהרון שרף

    Aharon Sharf

    Member of the Ben-Gurion House Council
    Born in Haifa, graduated from the Agricultural High School in Pardes Hana. At the end of his military service, he was recruited into the General Security Service, and served as the bodyguard of Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion between 1958-1960. Served in the Intelligence and Special Task Force for 35 years, in various operational and staff positions.

    ד"ר יובל שחר

    Yuval Shahar, PhD

    Member of the Ben-Gurion House Council – representative of Tel Aviv University
    Retired professor in the Department of History of the People of Israel, and head of the Department of General Studies at the Tel Aviv University.

    Tehila Friedman

    Member of the Ben-Gurion House Council
    Head of the Libba Centre of the ‘The One Hundred Initiative’. Former member of the Knesset (Israeli Parliament). Served as chairman of the Ne’emanei Torah Va’Avodah and founding chairman of the Jerusalem movement – religious-Zionist movements. Served as manager of the Ness Fund of the Jewish Federation of New Jersey, the diaspora field at the Hartman Institute, and the Arevim Ze la’Ze programs at the Sacharit Institute. Started her career as an adviser to Nathan Sharansky when he was Minister of Diaspora and studied at the Mandel Institute's School of Educational Leadership. Has a master's degree in law as well as a broad Torah education. Lives in Jerusalem. Mother of five children.

    The David Ben-Gurion House staff

    Nelly Markman

    CEO of the David Ben-Gurion House

    Ofri Levinson

    Director of Activities

    אורורה לטרולו

    Aurora Lattarulo

    Director of Conservation

    Yael Kvodi

    Administrative Manager

    אדר שק

    Adar Shak

    Director of Education

    Maayan Sror

    Director of Culture and New Media

    רן לוי

    Ran Levy

    Director of Leadership

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